Dilts Pyramid — Not an ancient tomb, but great for personal and business vision, or revision
If you are scratching your head as to the next step you take in your personal or business vision, Dilts Pyramid is a great resource to successfully get you brainstorming and to help with any changes that need to be made in your business, or your life. This strategy was introduced by Robert B Dilts and is described as the Logical Levels of Change.
If you view this pyramid holistically, the potential for change is much greater. An analysis of your business or your life at each level allows for better or more productive influences, in so doing highlighting areas where change is needed.
Where do you work?
This might be a view of your office layout, perhaps how your desk is faced, and what it faces? Is this the best place for you to do your best work?
Although we might be locked into certain structures within your work environment, identifying these and making the best of the situation could just be something that you haven’t thought of yet.
Where do you live?
If you are anything like me, I know that my living environment is not optimal for me. I should be living closer to the coastline and this aspect of my ongoing development is an item that I have marked as something that needs changing.
In the interim, I make sure that getting into nature is a priority. Visiting friends and ensuring sufficient away time is a consideration to make if your living space is not completely ideal.
Who are you doing business with?
Are your values being held up by your current set of clients? Perhaps you are considering taking on a partner? If you are a solo entrepreneur, this could be just the ticket to productive change and sky-rocketing your business.
Our behaviors are often so ingrained that we look back on the day and wonder where it went, or wonder how we got so much done! Is this the opposite for you? Are your behaviors sabotaging your progress in your business or your life?
Taking stock of where we place our time, and how our behaviors shape our days, is important to assess where changes need to be made.
Brainstorm these few questions, to assess your current position:
What skills do you need to progress your business? How is your work getting done? Do you have the capabilities and skills to achieve your goals? How are the team members getting their work done, and what support do they need? How are you investing in yourself, and your team members, to increase or develop skills? Do you need support and if so, where will you get it? Is your support structure aligned with your personal or business vision?
Analyzing and revisiting your beliefs can make a positive impact on your forward progress. The first question to be asked here:
Why do I do what I do? What are my values and is my current journey aligning with those values?
What aspects of my business are most important to me? Are you, for example, location independent and this situation supports your value of Freedom?
How do you identify with your business? How do others identify with you, and your business? Who are your team, and how are they identifying with the business? What is your personal and business Mission Statement?
These questions will help to clarify your own identity and will move you into cementing your Purpose.
This is the crux of the matter!
This is the culmination of everything. It is your values, your beliefs, your reason for getting up in the morning, and the state of mind in which you do.
Why are you here? In this place, in this industry, at this time?
How am I, and my business adding value? How am I helping, and changing lives? Do my products and services that I present to the public, hold up my vision?
“Purpose” is described as being the following:
“A person’s sense of resolve or determination”
“The reason for which something is done, or created, or for which something exists”
Your purpose, therefore, is your way of impacting your world, in a way that is fulfilling to you.
Steve Jobs once said that if you are doing something out of passion or fulfillment, the follow-through makes it all the more easier.
Originally published at https://perpetualpilgrim1006.com.
Photo by David McEachan from Pexels